A major story in the health sector this week was about an FDA panel removing Avastin as an approved indication, in conjunction with the chemotherapy drug docetaxel, for metastatic (spreading) breast cancer. Well, that’s the major story for the general public. The major story for me was that in Spokane, Washington, agents from the FDA engaged in a legal home invasion operation with the help of a magistrate, the United States Postal Service, and local law enforcement, to search the property of PGL International (www.projectgreenlife.com) and its fulfillment house for distributing the product known variously as the Miracle (or Master) Mineral Supplement, or simply “MMS.”’
Daniel Smith, who runs PGL, was out-of-town, having taken his daughter to a yoga summer camp. Back at home, his wife was forced to remain outside on the curb, “guarded” by some of Spokane’s finest and prevented from using her own phone to call her husband. Seeing the spectacle that was brewing, a neighbor contacted Smith to tell him what was unfolding at home.
On Wednesday, June 29, around 9:00am (PST), I received a text message from Daniel:
Our home is being raided right now and K (his wife) is home alone.
We talked later that day where he filled me in on the details noted above.
Yesterday I received the following:
They froze all my accounts.
I’ve not heard anything else from him since.
According to Smith, the charges (or grounds) that were listed on the Search and Seizure Warrant (with the Seizure part disallowed) were interstate transportation of an “unapproved drug.” The word “smuggling” was also used. Perhaps this was for the magistrate’s benefit, to give the impression that some really underhanded activity was going on.
While Daniel’s wife was not arrested, and his business does not appear to be in jeopardy, it is clear that the FDA is intent on continuing its failed efforts to cause the interest in, and therapeutic use of microdosed chlorine dioxide to implode.
For various reasons I am proposing new terminology for MMS, to help evolve our perception of the product and the spread of its use from its humble roots, with full, grateful, and all due respect. You can bet that the FDA is attacking MMS, which, thanks to Jim Humble’s work, has rightfully garnered—by the results thus far achieved by real people—a very positive perception.
The beauty here is that we have had enough hard evidence to know that chlorine dioxide in microdoses yields metabolic benefits. Who is the FDA to take umbrage with, and criminalize a law-abiding U.S. citizen about its being unapproved, when we know that they would never approve it for the many applications that it would be useful for? Furthermore, they would require petitions and trials, each costing millions, for every specific condition where chlorine dioxide might be applied.
As such, the favor of the FDA is, not simply to the highest bidder, but to those who are able to bid.
Daniel Smith doesn’t play in that arena. He also did not break the law, nor done any harm. The millions of women who are given Avastin will not get well from this treatment. The FDA panel is now coming to this conclusion, but they are the ones that fast-tracked the drug, several years, billions in revenue, and who knows how many thousands of lives ago. Their sense of what is harmful and what is helpful is questionable at best.
Jim Humble did not discover chlorine dioxide, but he will forever be credited with introducing the public to the therapeutic potential of chlorine dioxide on living, human beings, and devising a way to make it available to anyone and everyone. He is doing what he can to create a coalition of people who, seeing the disdain that the health care industry has over alternatives, along with the futility of their remedies, are willing to help each other through his Genesis II Church of Health and Healing.
However, this is a population of predominantly inexperienced people who are inclined to look only to MMS as the remedy rather than as part of a spectrum of methods that restore balance. While the pathogen is considered “the enemy” that MMS slays (as the tumor is among oncologists in cancer treatment), a myriad of chemical, environmental, energetic, and self-chosen psychological stress factors are overlooked.
Microdosed chlorine dioxide should be used by people who have chosen, as their profession, to truly help end suffering. That used to be doctors before the profession became a license to make a lot of money by peddling addictive and deadly drugs with legal impunity.
That “privilege” comes at a great cost.
Cancer treatment (and many other allopathic methods) as it is currently done these days, only tends to intensify suffering, not end it… that is, until the life itself comes to an end. Even then, death is often… too often, the result of the treatment. Research has shown that a person with cancer has a better chance at longer life if they do nothing than if they agree to the big three of surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
The suffering isn’t only in the treatment. To add further insult, the costs are staggering. And since very little is being done to help the public to truly understand and appreciate the causes so that behavior and environmental changes can be made, the cancer industry can count on a steady stream of new candidates for Avastin and other FDA approved schemes.
The FDA agents targeted PGL International because it emerged as a prominent distributor of the product in question, microdosed chlorine dioxide. The agency reserves the right to interpret any product that is presented as a solution to a health condition as a drug. This is because that is the only modality that they believe can address medical problems; a position that is also patently false.
Unfortunately, our education system doesn’t preempt such delusion because it doesn’t connect the importance of true nutrition to health. True nutrition, not patented, chemical substitutes, not genetically modified imitations, is the remedy to illness. We have not yet even recognized, much less acknowledged, the great price we’re paying by our convenience and fast-food lifestyle. Not only do we desecrate our food, we congratulate ourselves while doing so.
The truth is that no matter how much they have been peer-reviewed, patented chemical concoctions cannot and do not solve medical problems. The FDA doesn’t even judge drugs on their ability to mitigate or abate disease. They are approved on their ability to make symptoms appear to abate, no matter how they go about doing it.
Antiangiogenesis drugs like Avastin block a cancer tumor’s ability to create blood vessels on the rationale that doing so prevents them from delivering oxygen and other nutrients to the tumor. This contradicts research that has shown that tumors thrive in oxygen-deficient environments, and go away when oxygen sufficiency is restored to said environment. Otto Heinrich Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1931 in proving this principle.
The chemicals that go into Avastin and thousands of other drugs, bind up oxygen on uptake, making the environment inside the body more acidic. Then we wonder why metastasis occurs when, in fact, we’ve fed the conditions that bring it about.
We are not laboratory-based chemical beings. Relying on ill-conceived, antagonistic chemistry that upsets the all-important environmental, metabolic, and microbial balance within the body, and thinking it will “cure,” is a pipe dream. Chlorine dioxide in the doses that Jim Humble devised, is not such a chemical.
If the methods developed by the pharmaceutical industry actually worked, there would be no reason to consider taking microdosed chlorine dioxide. However, we’re taking in microdoses of other, clearly harmful chemicals at every turn, through our water intake, processed and genetically modified (with FDA approval) foods, through atmospheric intake, day-in and day-out.
We’ve become so accustomed to taking a benign, non-phased view of unpronounceable terms, such as “monosodium glutamate,” “high fructose corn syrup,” “Red #3,” “vitamin D2,” and tens of thousands of others, that we don’t associate the long-term consequences of intake with the slow degeneration of our health.
Since we don’t consider that chemicals and other stress factors have contributed to the onset of chronic illnesses, we have no problem using more chemicals to resolve them.
Except that they never do. We simply go from doctor to doctor, who tries one treatment strategy after another, as long as the insurance or our pocketbooks can withstand it… or until the patient dies.
That’s the road well-traveled; the fast track to becoming a cancer statistic. There’s not much to crow about in health care with regard to cancer success, unless you want to count ability to raise money by making the public believe you’re close to another plausible cure as your success benchmark.
Microdosed chlorine dioxide use could mark an increase in a new kind of success. That is, where people can honestly conceive of being healthy again. I’m not saying that it will do it, but it can be a much more useful and effective tool, and not break the bank in the process.
Contrast the annual cost of microdosed chlorine dioxide, at around $25, to Avastin, which, according to the MSNBC.com article that I read, totals out at around $100,000. At present administration levels, this one breast cancer drug brings Roche around $1 billion annually, which the FDA – which had fast-tracked the approval of the drug in 2008 for breast cancer treatment – now says is ineffective. You wonder who the people at Genentech pissed off?
This one product, which is also indicated for other forms of cancer, and for which the FDA panel is not recommending a support withdrawal, still generates more than $6 billion overall.
All of this to support a strategy and product that can, at best, offer hope of survival. How can it when it involves simply adding additional toxicity to an environment that is already too toxic?
In the meantime, FDA agents diligently try to make Daniel Smith into an example for anyone selling the microdosed chlorine dioxide product.
His “crime” is that the “unapproved drug” is just that, unapproved. And based on the inaccurate information that they relied on in their warning against MMS, the FDA isn’t interested in approving it. Instead, they appear set on keeping the public misinformed, and if possible, uninformed.
Unlike Avastin, which can result in serious and sometimes fatal bleeding, coughed up blood, bleeding in the stomach, vomiting blood, bleeding in the brain, nosebleeds, and vaginal bleeding, microdosed chlorine dioxide is not even rumored by the nayest of naysayers, to yield such effects.
A regimen of microdosed chlorine dioxide can help correct the ecological conditions that (1) can lead to breast cancer in the first place, (2) contribute to its re-occurrence. It does so, from what I can tell, by (1) the oxygen that it brings to the environment (non-patentable – this is no “drug”), and (2) the trace elements, which help facilitate an improvement in electrical conductivity to the area. Chemotherapy and Avastin compromise both of these important factors.
Microdosed chlorine dioxide is not, nor should it be considered, an “end all” solution in any strategy for health restoration. But it is in no way the dangerous chemical that the FDA is trying to make it out to be.
Someone shared the following experience on recently on this blog:
I don’t know what to think. I have recurring bladder cancer and when I go off MMS, it returns. As soon as I start it again, it (the tumor) stops growing and the surgeon is always puzzled as to why what looked like advanced stage tumors are only low-grade, non-invasive cancer.
I would like to be part of a study that investigates the long-range danger possibilities of this drug. Some of what I read is scary, but the results have been too obvious in my case to dismiss.
My MD’s so far aren’t willing to touch this with a 10-foot pole. Why the BCG that almost killed me is fine, but this isn’t, I don’t know, although reading some of the alleged chemical poison possibilities is frightening… as is bladder cancer…
It would be easy to simply say “follow the money” to see why the FDA is so interested in making microdosed chlorine dioxide therapy go away. Breast cancer treatment standards of practice aren’t the only ones that would be impacted. Our dependence on antibiotics, and many other forms of palliative care, would naturally come into question.
I’m not holding my breath for the FDA to change its ways. It is what it is. However, Daniel Smith’s only crime was making a product available that could help people (amid all the FDA-approved ones that do not).
If the FDA’s argument against microdosed chlorine dioxide therapy were correct, the results would have been corroborated by now. The languid results that the public has endured at the hands of their approved products suggest that the fox that is overseeing the henhouse has lost his objectivity (as if he ever had any). They are not serving the interests, or preserving the health of the American people as things are presently being done.
If you’re able or willing to help Daniel Smith, please let me know. Better yet, contact them by phone (on their website) or email. That’s where my concerns are right now.
Hi to all,
Great work on your site and your other behind the scenes work Adam, you should be commended, especially the way unlike many others, you don’t just repeat Jim’s words and you do your own research and to your best to address or allow open discussion of the many contentious points about MMS.
It is sad that the FDA have targeted PGL with their corrupt bullying while seriously harmful practices of Big Pharma are sanctioned without scrutiny.
We have a unique setup with multiple distribution points and company incorporation outside of USA for good reason. We plan to be in business for a very long time and just wanted to mention that for people who can’t afford to stockpile raw materials, or who prefer to buy premade products, we see no reason to fear the availability of MMS1 or MMS2 in the future. We have many levels of redundancy available to us to ensure these products continue to be available.
To those worried about their livelihood which has been based on promoting MMS1 and MMS2, I just wanted to mention that we offer an affiliate and reseller program if anyone is interested. We offer very generous commissions and have some very exciting additional products coming soon.
For anyone interested you can order, or contact us through our website http://futurehealthtoday.com
Keep up the great work.
PS – Apologies for the blatant and shameless plug of our site. It just seemed the scare factor out there warranted someone to explain that these products will continue to be available. People don’t need to worry themselves trying to predict and secure a lifetimes worth of raw materials for their family and friends. People will always find a way of making needed products available, no matter the risk, that seems to be human nature.
I looks to me like the FDA’s reputation is going from bad to worse. Adams webside is about the only one that I like to visit, because he makes ense and he keeps his cool in the face of adversity and reasons with people instead of giving them back in kind; and some are down right rude, so it would be easy to lose his temper with them. Well done Adam, you are a star.
I agree with you Michael, one way or the other we will be able to get MMS and if not MMS1, than MMS2 will always be around as long as there are pools that need to be cleaned ….
I’ve been promoting pgl over the net for the past 3-4 months, never had any issue with them till this crap happened. Right now I’m in a big dilemma since i can’t find them and have a few answers.
i don’t know what happened there, most likely this it’s nasty but I’m living out of internet marketing and I’ve invested quite some cash and lots of time into this. I don’t know if they are selling anything anymore, the website works but I’ve received no answers for almost 2 weeks from them.
Adam maybe you could ask Daniel to send a message to his resellers to let us know what to do. It’s pointless to advertise something that it’s not sold + it’s expensive since some of us use paid advertising to promote the different products there and time consuming. The thing is that the website seems to work but i have no idea if they are actually doing anything, like sending the orders or if they have any control anymore there …
I won’t mind whatever the answer is, i understand the trouble they are is genuine and it’s not the first time they ran into it. The gov is a serious arch enemy that cannot be played with. But some of use are actually living out of this and need to act quick and count the losses before the whole ship sinks.
I know you have nothing to do with all this and no obligation at all but you are our only hope and our only link to them. I’ve waited and waited and i’m still waiting but no one there let us know what to do.
thx and i hope you don’t mind
Hello all
Just reading through this thread as I do each day looking for a little more information on the status of Daniel at PGL also. We are a high volume affiliate of the PGL group, and have been actively selling the MMS product for some time…
The problem is this. We are now receiving feedback from individuals beginning from around the 27th of June who have purchased but not received their MMS order. Since there has been no contact from Daniel and the guys at PGL, we let orders continue until perhaps two days ago (certainly a mistake) – at which time we pulled the campaigns as the sheer number of people backlogged is now quite substantial…
My experience with Daniel has been nothing short of excellent, and can only say positive things – but it is reaching a point in time where individuals who have purchased need to be told something! Many have called PGL directly, and written also – to no avail. The http://www.projectgreenlife.com appears to be fully funtioning even now, and I still notice that affiliates are continuing to send traffic which inevitably will lead to more sales -and thus further angst and confusion…
In my experience, this could not be good for anyone’s business in the long run. It seems odd that Daniel lacks the capacity to contact affiliates directly and inform them as to how to proceed. I understand that accounts have been seized and so forth – but one just needs to do a google search to find out who is affiliated, and contact directly via this way?
Anyways, just voicing my concern, and also second the above suggestion that if Adam has a direct line of communication with Daniel – it would be beneficial for all involved with PGL to know how to proceed ASAP!
I perhaps should of been a little more prudent & ask for a cell number – even an SMS with brief instructions would have circumvented almost entirely this current situation…
Blesings to all,
Thx, well this is bad news, really bad. I hope they will contact us or at least shut off the ordering system for the time being. I also generated lots of sales till that point in time so i guess i’ll shut down the campaigns for now. They really need to give us some instructions and do something about those orders.
Probably lots of angry people out there right now cause so much time have passed and no orders arrived.
I was a bit dependent on this as it was my main affiliate and i invested alot into it. Now i’m disappointed but i hope they will get over this mess and well. I will survive most definitely and i hope they will also.
Adam H, do you know any similar pgl affiliates?
Adam… I got your and V’s messages and have sent a text to Daniel. I’ll post something as soon as I get an update from him. The lack of a formal update through his distribution channel may have to do with what was seized and whether it has been returned, but this is speculation on my part.
Best wishes,
V… I have a call and a text message in to Daniel, letting him know about your request, and asking him to post an update or relay one through me. I’ll let you know what happens as soon as there is some new news.
Thanks for writing.
Thank you very much Adam, it’s very kind of you.
Ok, many thanks Adam – this will be very helpful…
& no, unfortunately I am not aware of any other such MMS merchants out there…
Thankyou guys,
Any news?
Still trying to get a hold of them and nothing…
Maybe Daniel is in custody. That would explain why he is not reachable. Does anyone know how to get ahold of his wife?
Daniel’s problems may just be starting if he sells other supplements. Over the 4th of July weekend the FDA has attacked again. Please go to this site and read, then send your complaint off to the FDA. Find link on that page. It may be time to write your congressmen also.
Our local doctor, was just a young guy, but he got cancer, He had the surgery, radiation, chemo, and he was back to work in his clinic, but only for a very short time.After about 2-3 months his cancer was back.he had more radiation and more chemo, but he died. Everybody is saying, and know, that the radiation and the chemo that killed him. If he had no radiation,and no chemo, maybe he would be still alive, or would of lived longer.
In my opinion, his family should sue the FDA, for approving dangerous, killer drugs like that.
Chemotherapy have only a 2% success,and kill the other 98% of the patents, so how crazy is the FDA to approve this?
And the 2% survivals maybe using alternative medicines along with radiation, and chemo.
I think The American government should totally dismantle the FDA, or sue them for everything under the Sun, and if thousands of people will start suing them, they will dismantle themselves.
Please keep us posted as you hear news about PGL Adam.
I have had no luck getting through either.
If I can help at all, have Daniel give me a call.
Hey Adam, do you have any news on the current status of PGL? What happened, are they ok? Did the FDA left them alone? Are they still in business? Are they still processing orders?
I tried to call them and email them but no one there answers.
I hope they are ok!
I spoke to Daniel today. He’s doing okay… on the road, heading back home… sorting things out. Not having any legal grounds to do anything against PGL, the US Postal Service appears to be in the lead position.
Right now they’re sorting out their options; their lives disrupted, but not shaken.
“For various reasons I am proposing new terminology for MMS, to help evolve our perception of the product and the spread of its use from its humble roots, with full, grateful, and all due respect.”
Did you forget to follow up on this proposition? Perhaps I missed it somewhere… Advanced Oxygen Therapy?
I’m well aware of the term that was coined by Wil Spencer. However, hydrogen peroxide and ozone could also be termed, “advanced oxygen therapy.” There’s no ambiguity about “microdosed chlorine dioxide.” No possible euphemism.
And still no person that sells MMS could coin the product as advanced ozygen therapy as it would imply that the product is to be used for health reasons. Water purification drops is the best we will be able to do. Even microdosed chlorine dixode implies that it is a medicine in that it is “dosed”. Only those people who promote, not sell MMS, could get away with it as the law stands now. So far, those who only promote hold true freedom of speech. We should call it all that we please and in full truth for its remarkable health benefits and its record safety in use for medical usage.
I have always used “Water and Surface Treatment”
Treatment is a more ambiguous term than Purifier, and doesn’t infer disinfection. That will be a bone of contention in the future I believe.
Besides the “medical claims” and the FDA,
you have to also to be aware of the EPA and “kill claims”.
Arrow, Adam, I have never understood why the people who sell it make any claims at all. Jim has set his web presence up for info, and all the retailers need to do is have the product.
On top of that , there are people like yourselves, unaffiliated with any commercial venture…. who provide excellent info.
( On aside, Thanks for this guys, your unbiased and honest views, and the time you take to provide the rest of us with the info)
I know a lot of “info” are actually affiliates of retailers.
I don’t know why any retailer, especially one with a good rep, and on Jim’s list, would make claims as to any type of efficacy. It isn’t necessary. I do speak with people, off the website, as a minister, if anything else needs to be said.
I know I went a bit off track here…. sorry.
Not much publicity on Daniel’s latest issue, no articles, no word from the DR that I’ve heard. Any news?
Daniel should be back home now. He’s okay… and will be okay. I sometimes get the news “as it happens,” and have to weigh what to say versus what not to say. I will offer my opinion that the FDA’s campaign is specious, will backfire, and that therapeutic chlorine dioxide use will continue to grow, as the FDA’s credibility, power, and authority steadily erodes, the result of their own actions.
Keep up the great work, Adam…I am always so impressed by the research you do for your posts…Thank you, Julie
wonder if PGL will be back in business; they were my source
You might try looking for **Water Purification*** here: http://mms.reikiranch.net
I have a difficult time with accusing physicians of being criminals. They are merely a product of our corrupt society, molded at a young age into a false belief system. Most intend to do good and are doing the best they can and in fact many do great things.
My sister in law is a 7 year breast cancer survivor. She still has cancer but leads a very active and full life. Most people I know would have a hard time keeping up with her schedule. Her chemotherapy is applied about every three weeks, at 15,000 per IV injection. She also utilizes acupuncture. The doctors are very pleased with her outcome and are supportive of her adjunctive alternative therapy. It is the pharmacuetical company that profits from this drung not the physicians. This drug has proven to hold her cancer in remission without a doubt.
Fact of the matter is that I know a rather signficant number of people doing quite well after conventional cancer treatment, including myself, a 28 year survivor, and cancer free.
On the other hand, I know of people who have used MMS for their cancer and have died.
I also know some who have used MMS for cancer and are well today.
Cancer is a very complex issue and there is not one right way, one right treatment.
And by the way, many many dentists are opposed to mercury and have been working diligently to eliminate it. It is pretty easy to find an iaomt dentist in US cities. An educated populace will make the necessary changes. Many physicians respond to their patients needs, wants and concerns and are growing and learning also.
Such statements that physicians are criminals are devisive and do not contribute to discourse, education and positive change.
Arrow Durfee
You know that dentists fall into the same category. They have to wear rubber gloves when implanting mercury amalgam in our teeth so THEY don’t get poisoned. Dentists are the up and coming challengers to who is the richest, lawyers or doctors. It’s been proven that bankers are criminals. Eventually the truth will come out that the rest are too. Either that or we will all be dead from their treatments and oops! No more patients.